Financial Aid Important Information

Financial Aid Information

This statement shows financial aid credited to your account since your last statement. Please complete outstanding aid requirements.  .

Housing and Meal Plan Charges

Housing and Meal Plan charges may be paid in full or can be calculated into the payment plan.  Please consult your housing and meal plan contract for important dates related to making changes to your housing or meal plan assignment.  .

Tuition and Fees Subject to Revision

All tuition and fee charges are subject to revision, without prior notice, by action of the Board of Trustees.

Holds/Financial Obligations

If financial obligations to the college have not been met by specified dates, the account will be considered delinquent.  If the overall account balance is above $100, a “hold” will be placed on the student’s account prohibiting registration activities and release of transcript.  If the overall account balance is below $100, a “hold” will be placed on the account prohibiting release of transcript.  Students owing less than $100 will be allowed to register for future courses.

Cashier’s Office 517.796.8420

Questions about your account not answered by the information above should be directed to the Jackson College Cashier.  .

Payment Instructions

Payments may be made in US Funds in the form of a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover), or ACH Debit (Checking or Savings).  To make payment online, please click the link for the student payment portal:  Authorized users (when approved by the student) can make payment by clicking the link for the authorized user portal:

Payments in person

Payments may be made in person using cash, check or credit card Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.  Payments can be made at the Central Campus Cashier’s Office in the Potter Center, the JC @ LISD Tech Center or at the Hillsdale LeTarte Center.

Questions about any payments should be directed to the Cashier at 517.796.8420